About The Global Nomad

Our Mission.

The mission of The Global Nomad is to share tips, life-hacks, and insightful knowledge with the world, gathered from traveling the globe and acclimating with a variety of cultures.  

It is quite hard to define what this blog will be and morph into as it grows because there are too many facets and categories I would like to cover. Think of The Global Nomad as a melting pot of one’s mind. From travel tips, easy-to-make recipes, travel photography portfolio, life of Frappó (my French Bulldog), professional basketball experiences, and probably many more. Maybe it will organize itself over time, who knows. 

Bay of Fires, Tasmania
Borgarfjörður, Iceland
Nha Trang, Vietnam

Through the experiences I have had, I feel it is impossible to not see the world through a different lens than most, hence the main reason for starting The Global Nomad. And if you are anything like me, then you have too much floating around in your head, especially when it feels like the world is moving faster than ever.

I hope The Global Nomad can be a place of enjoyable laid back reading in an informal environment (please excuse any future typos) where hopefully I can share some exciting, helpful, and informative knowledge.